Fast Oral Cancer Facts:
Over 53,000 new cases of oral or oropharyngeal cancer projected for 2021
HPV vaccine decreases the risk!
Early detection is important. The overall 5-year survival rate is 66.2% -
The annual death rate is 10,750 (projected 2020)
Oral and oropharyngeal cancer account for 2.9% of cancers each year in the U.S -
Risk factors are: HPV, smoking, alcohol, smokeless tobacco, male gender, age
How do you self screen?
Dentists have extensive training and experience in screening patients for oral cancer.
Self screening for oral cancer is very challenging because without the appropriate lighting and tools, the back of your tongue and roof of your mouth are hard to see.
When performing this screening, look carefully for any unusual areas, red and white areas, bumps, ulcers, or dark spots (like a mole).
Your tongue may feel fatter or there is a lump on the tongue
You may experience difficulty swallowing or feel a lump in or around your neck IF YOU FEEL OR SEE ANYTHING UNUSUAL, GIVE YOUR DENTIST A CALL!